whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways

Offerings, Immersions, Circles


WHole Living~Whole Loving~

Offerings, Immersions, Circles

Gifts & Transformations 2023: to support you in LOVING your WHOLE Life & tending, skillfully & artfully, to all your relations


Women in Community: Intro Courses and Ceremonies

So often we work so hard to say the right thing, the right way to get the result/relationship/behaviour/action we want. Rarely do our labours pay off when we are working HARD to get it RIGHT. There’s more to it. There’s more riding underneath our efforts…

What we say and how we speak, our approach to language, can heal and can harm. We can learn how our tongues, sounds, vibrations of our words and ways can invite what we long and yearn for: deeper relations, clearer communication, more loving and authentic, reciprocal engagement.

Intro Course: Language as Love and Culture Making
A recorded, somewhat self-paced, confluence of teaching/offerings from the past number of years that focuses on: etymology, old myth stories, habitual phrases, root meaning(not the dictionary), imagining an ethical way to conjure the wild, fruitful deep love you want!
Watch the recordings, study like a word:nerd, find some ancestral tales, listen to some of mine, wonder over the power of vibrations (sacred geometry and word play) - unfurl what you’ve learned together with me & others through an online session where you can meet one another, share and ask questions.
Suitable for those who wish to explore and for Practioners with a Practice, wishing to enhance and deepen their approach with clients.

“…this course is full of nourishment so profound that it sinks right into one’s bones. Deirdre’s words and ways open portals to wondering that have helped me develop new ways of seeing and being.
Since joining this learning community, I have gained valuable tools for de-fusing stress, finding greater compassion for self and others, and communicating with deeper intention. I’m so grateful for the learning, the sense of community, and the pure magic of each session.”

~ Jamie
(after completing Language as Love & Culture Making, entering year 2 of Apprenticeship)


I’ve been exploring linguistics(BA double major in French and Linguistics…oi!), etymology, poetry, bardic ways, goodly speech, ancestral and myth tales over a couple of decades. I learn and shift as I wander and wonder aloud.
The result: My relationship to myself changes and becomes more loving and then I can offer this out towards my kids, my partner, my family, friends, colleagues, and now I get to share it with you!
Please join me in this worthy exploration - you’ll be amazed at what you take for granted, what you think you think you’ve been saying for years…but weren’t…and have some fun too!
See you soon!

2024 ongoing: Monthly Women’s Feminine Embodiment CIRCLES - online, RSVP (Click here)

Reciprocity by Sliding Scale Gift

Blue Grandmother Medicine
Weekend Experiential

Click here for current gathering details

A Golden Somato-Spirit Women’s Learning Offering
Sept 9-10, 2023:
Saturday 10-4, Sunday 10-3 (Held locally, in studio)

Additional Gatherings:
Nov 25-26, 2023; Mar 16-17, 2024; Jun 1-2, 2024

To Register or Inquire for further details: Click Here

Community Pipe Ceremonies, All Welcome:

Contact me to be on our Email Invite List

Solstice (Summer/Winter), Equinox (Spring/Autumn),
Additional Ceremony, by request for healing & connection with your ancestors, within families and communities,
RSVP or Request A Pipe Ceremony
(Never a Fee for this offering)

SPRING 2021: 6 Sundays 8:15-8:40am, MT of “Promiscuous Prayer” Sessions (Mar.14, 21, 28 & May 2, 16, 30) (check out the etymology and a poetic approach to promiscuous as UNITY not about sexuality…the sessions include yet not limited to: different languages, song, embodied prayer practice; transmissions through sound), RSVP, Online Zoom Gathering

April - June 2021: Language as Love and Culture Making - recorded studies and online live discussions and Q&A with Deirdre, Inquire/Register


Weave & Wonder Learning Gatherings with Deirdre and Dr. Rob

Click here for the Current Weave & Wonder Gathering Info!

Apprenticeships + Immersion Experiences

If you have completed the first 3 aspects of Soul Cauldron Apprenticeship, or have been part of one of our Women’s Gatherings or our Blue Grand Mother Gatherings and are up for the next spiral of learning and practice - let’s connect and consider together.
Mytho-Poetic Women’s Gatherings & Study - SWAN SONG
Ceremonial Apprenticeship with a focus on Somato-Spirit learning - WILLOW & WING

Swan Song Immersion (Click Here)
This year’s cohort started October 2023,
Next Swan Song Immersion set for October 2024

Willow & Wing begins June 2024 Click here to express your interest and for more information


Private Sessions

Integrative Somatic based Therapeutic sessions; Shamanic and Dream Journey; Specialized Kinesiology Practices; Energy Healing (Medical Intuitive), Heart Medicine Practices, other wild, wyrrd, “woo-woo” offerings upon request and can be combined into sessions with consent.

In-Person, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

On-Line, Zoom, connecting wherever there’s wifi

FREE GIFT for your Nervous System…
Connect with me and I will email you some stress de-fusion practices that you can use to tend to yourself and your loved ones during this time. These techniques help us think better, learn without stress, attune to our feelings and communicate more clearly.
We all need a little help to regulate the pandemic changes and physical distancing while also perhaps some unusually close quarters at home!

Stay Tuned for upcoming Embodiment Classes, Sunday Songline - Prayer Making, Women’s New Moon Circles…get on my mailing list for Zoom invites, to INQUIRE/REGISTER click here

“Being invited by Deirdre is being invited by a deep rooted desire to be heard. Artfully weaving indigenous wisdom and somatic practices together, she brings much needed healing for the world we live in today. There are moments of silence and moments of fullness, both rich and fitting in the flow of our time together. From the beginning of my encounters with her I could feel her genuine curiosity in what was going in my journey. Her offerings of stories and dreams touched me deeply and carried over in the days that followed.”
~Harald, Belgium

“I believe in personal growth. Counseling had been an on and off part of my life prior to meeting Deirdre. Pre Deirdre experiences equipped me with valuable coping mechanisms and tools to deal with the task at hand. While this was helpful and I felt “better equipped to cope”, I was left with a disheartening sense that “there has got to be something more- this can’t be it”. Methodically applying a one size fits all approach to my experience felt forced, ineffective and left my soul exhausted. I was tried of preforming for every one but myself. At 28, I had collected most  milestone expectation check marks to date; education, career, husband, single family dwelling. I was overwhelmed by how thoroughly unhappy I was. Keeping up the facade, I felt like I watching my own life from the sidelines, going through the motions grinning and barring it all. How dare I think this… let alone allow myself to admit it? How selfish I told myself..oh the shame.
Could I really be so bold as to explore giving myself permission to be happy? Deep down I felt a knowing that I was hungry to understand more, and engage in personal growth past strategy alone. Tools had become heavy armor, and Deirdre’s sessions opened the door to explore my whole world, past traumas and all with her unique kindhearted responsible and accountable approach. I feel I have gone from merely striving to live an adequate life to thriving in the fullness this time and place that existence has on offer for me. In my session work with Deirdre I uncovered many resources to live my life with a kindhearted way. This rewritten approach has cascaded to immerse all of my relationships. In this way, I have cultivated meaningful relationships with my family, friends, romantically , at work and most of all with myself. One of the best uncovering of all is that with all of this growth, there is no check mark. There is always something more to learn about our soul growth. What a liberating way to explore and engage in the blessing that is this life we have right now. I am grateful to have found Deirdre, and look forward to the continuation of growth with her and her kindhearted approach. ~

WOmen’s Immersion COHORT 2023-2024 - Blending Swan Mothers, Swan Gaurdians & those Interested in exploring the Anam Cara + Mythic Tales, Stones and Adventures together

Beginning Again September 2023

Email Deirdre for more info