whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways

Client & Apprentice Reflections


While I may not use all of the same terms and phrases to try to describe what I offer, I am learning over these decades of entering peoples most intimate spaces, to surrender & receive what each of us see and experience. Stay curious and open as all that needs to be revealed will show, when ready.

All these testimonials are quite humbling to my heart. And you, who by sharing these reflections & what has done you well, have asked me to keep going when I wasn’t sure I could. Gratitude and Deep bows to you!
Thank you, to each of those willing to share their experiences, below, and to all those who have also quietly and richly honoured what we have done together in Love, Life, Death, in Re:birth, Re:turn, Re:Membering, Alchemical Spiral Ways, Healing & Ceremony.

And so,
A few Client Reflections:

“I believe in personal growth. Counseling had been an on and off part of my life prior to meeting Deirdre. 
Pre Deirdre experiences equipped me with valuable coping mechanisms and tools to deal with the task at hand. While this was helpful and I felt “better equipped to cope”, I was left with a disheartening sense that “there has got to be something more- this can’t be it”.
Methodically applying a one size fits all approach to my experience felt forced, ineffective and left my soul exhausted.
I was tried of preforming for every one but myself. At 28, I had collected most  milestone expectation check marks to date; education, career, husband, single family dwelling. 
I was overwhelmed by how thoroughly unhappy I was. Keeping up the facade, I felt like I watching my own life from the sidelines, going through the motions grinning and barring it all. How dare I think this… let alone allow myself to admit it? How selfish I told myself…oh the shame.
Could I really be so bold as to explore giving myself permission to be happy?
Deep down I felt a knowing that I was hungry to understand more, and engage in personal growth past strategy alone. Tools had become heavy armor, and Deirdre’s sessions opened the door to explore my whole world, past traumas and all with her unique kindhearted responsible and accountable approach. I feel I have gone from merely striving to live an adequate life to thriving in the fullness this time and place that existence has on offer for me.
In my session work with Deirdre I uncovered many resources to live my life with a kindhearted way. This rewritten approach has cascaded to immerse all of my relationships. In this way, I have cultivated meaningful relationships with my family, friends, romantically , at work and most of all with myself. One of the best uncovering of all is that with all of this growth, there is no check mark. There is always something more to learn about our soul growth. What a liberating way to explore and engage in the blessing that is this life we have right now. I am grateful to have found Deirdre, and look forward to the continuation of growth with her and her kindhearted approach.” ~

“Deirdre offers Relationship and Ceremonial Support in service unto remembering. Her work in this world, in this time and place, is needed, profound, Heart Full and attuned to your needs in the moment. Her integrity of purpose has blessed our family and continues to ripple out, years after her care of us at a sorrowful and beautiful time for us. She beholds us all in Beauty and Grace.” ~Carolyn

“Many of our family and friends assumed Deirdre had known us for years even though we had only just met…she’s this genuine and in tune with each situation be it a wedding, a baby blessing, or a funeral or showing up at hospice. She’s done all of it for us!” ~ WC

“We were desperate and Deirdre showed up, right on time. She asked us to learn some skills while also working with what we thought we needed (and integrated what we didn't know we needed). Forever grateful.”

“This woman walks in a Sacred Manner. Don’t hesitate to contact her.”

“Deirdre, you have entirely changed the way I parent. I can’t thank you enough.” ~KD

“I can’t keep up with all the treasures in her treasure bag of what she offers - they are all Golden and have changed my mind, my heart, my body.
I know I did the work and was willing.
Deirdre accompanied me. She was steadfast, creative, frustrating when she wouldn’t
tell me the answers ;-), offered old stories that tracked my development and helped me see and feel where I really was in my life and the ways I could begin to make REAL changes. She’s a crafty one! Maybe part fox, part Divine Feminine, part something you’ve never met before. There were times I wanted to hug her and tell her to “F-Off!” simultaneously. And she is so loving and whole-spirited. Nothing will shock her and you can bring ANYTHING into session with her and no judgment will come your way…except maybe your own. We worked with that too.
She’s not a ‘talk therapist’…she’s some kind of magical griefdancer/storyteller/stress de-fusion facilitator/medicine woman.”

“Deirdre, thank you for allowing me to sit, lay, cuddle up, laugh, scream, sing with you for the last 3 years.” ~EJ

“My mother’s death was made beautiful with your guidance and care. Your songs soothed her and us along the way and the mysterious work you did with her allowed us to work through our relationship sh*t before she died. And then you offered your care of us afterwards which at first, we declined, thinking we wouldn’t need it. And you were there when we called. Thank you.”~The S Family

“She will challenge you. There will be days you don’t like her…it means you’re letting go of what doesn’t help you or help those around you. Truly.

She’ll work outside the box. Actually, she has no box. She seems to work in a spiral and you’re not always sure whether that spiral is heavenward or earthward and at some point in your travels with her, it no longer needs to be named.”

“I trust this woman. I see her take such good care of herself that I never feel as though I might have to be concerned for her. I can fully focus on my own stuff, my body awareness, my process, knowing she’s near as I need her and that we’ll shift our relationship in pace with my healing, growth and capacities. She’s honest with what she doesn’t know and you can learn to really believe, feel, sense and body-know that she Loves You. It’s not just a phrase she trots out “Love Always and All Ways”…she means it and lives it.” ~Adele

Apprenticeship Reflections:

“Soul Cauldron Apprenticeship is full of nourishment so profound that it sinks right into one’s bones. Deirdre’s words and ways open portal to wondering that have helped me develop new ways of seeing and being.
Since joining this learning community, I have gained valuable tools for de-fusing stress, finding greater compassion for self and others, and communicating with deeper intention. I’m so grateful for the learning, the sense of community, and the pure magic of each session.”
~ Jamie, entering year 2 of Apprenticeship