whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways
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"About" Deirdre


”Hmmmm…”, she wonders aloud.
What does speaking “about” someone or something do to the one or the situation in question?
Well, I’m not certain what talking ‘about’ does other than the sense I’ve had for some time is that to talk ABOUT may not speak directly to the character or qualities we’re really wanting to learn, re-member or reflect in & with, one another.
OK, OK. Etymological wonderings are afoot (this is part of where the Class: Language as Love & Culture Making was born…Get enthusiastic if you’re a Word Nerd too!).
If ‘about’ has etymological roots from Middle and Old English suggesting “on the outside of, around the circumference of, enveloping, near/in the vicinity of…” (thank you to the Online Etymology Dictionary and other sources for pointing this out) then an ABOUT page perhaps allows for us to get in the general vicinity of one another.

So let’s honour that…let’s go slow together.
As relations grow and deepen, remaining in the general vicinity of one another may not be close enough, indicating that:
other connections,
relational development/evolving
may well be needed to further our awareness and understanding or appreciation of one another.

Also, faithfulness towards all our relations asks that we keep learning one another - that we don’t become rigid in our views or get stuck in assessments or evaluations (rooted perhaps in judgments and fears) ‘about’ one another or ourselves either!

So here’s my best attempt at responding to the plea from friends and clients to offer up a morsel on who in the world this gal may be…
Here goes:
Born on the ashpile of the post-hippie cigarette-smoking epidural scare of her beautiful, courageous, well trauma’d & lioness of a mother, Deirdre arrived on the scene. Through non-ordinary states, she remembers her conception through to her birth, viscerally and as a witness observer.
She remained rather silent for a long while - being called ‘shy’ & ‘very reserved and quiet’ in her early days.
Really, beneath that perspective, she was so attuned to seeing into what folks wouldn’t speak to and also attuned to otherworlds and a dreamtime so full and elaborate, such that waking times seemed almost unreal and few folks around, if any, seemed to be able to hold what she’d say. So she stopped sharing for a time. She observed. This was part survival strategy from emotional neglect, part wild true nature and parts yet to develop.
She put her words into dance training and movement expression for a long while until the pressure for getting a “real education and job” was something she buckled under.

At the green and helpful era of her 20’s, she entered spiritual care work in a hospital setting, lasting but a short while in the constraints that institutionalized care structures can demand. Since then she has made a confluence of studies, wisdom schools, body and energy work, mediumship, medical intuitive work, hospice - specializing in NICU, midwifing towards death and dying as a Death Doula(over 2 decades), learning languages, re-learning English and the etymology behind what we say(linguistics that crafts culture and approach), dance performance, and raising 2 gorgeous young boys into young men.
Over the last few years, Sacred Songs and other Old Medicines have found her. Winter Solstice 2020, during the Grand Conjuction unfurled the Community Ceremony offerings she is now lineage and obligated unto.
At the insistence of those around her, she began to formalize offerings into classes, then apprenticeships & immersive experiences, and Women’s Gatherings. These ways and what is offered now, have evolved over the last couple of decades, all her experiences, lifepath learnings and ancient lineages weaving into sessions, circles, ceremony & gatherings.
Her words are often serious when she lays them down AND her sense of humour and Cosmic Play is totally off-the-wall and into the stars! (See the photos)

She is glad you have found her.
You are Welcome.

{I am glad you are here. And if the above has you wanting to connect with me, there are places on this site to click and reach out! Please Do So! If you need to read what other folks have to say…click below.}
Let’s keep the whetstone and wonder evolving and creating!
Would you Go Shining!
From Love Always & All Ways,

Client & Apprentice Reflections can be found by clicking right here.
As an Ordained Reverend, you may wish to contact me for partnership support and ceremonies. Check out “My Love Ethic”, the “Marriage and Partnership” page, and/or Contact me Directly via email.