whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways

Swan Song Immersion


Now Accepting InquirieS for

October 2024

Hear more regarding this upcoming offering, Swan-Style!

You can arrive on your own and you may also bring a friend(female identified) you’d like to do this with or you feel would be nourished by this learning together.

This might be for you if:
You have a strong sense of what kind of Practioner you are or are becoming, a sense of mission, vision, kinship or giftings that you want to share in the world... perhaps your calling is clear or becoming clearer to you. You are curious.

And then...there's this longing or desire in you that has a need...
It's not a public one. Not often held by colleagues or circles you lead or engage in. Another community is being called upon, now.

It's deep. It's calling you. It's intimate. It's bone deep or deeper still.

As a healer, creative, natural, holistic practitioner, if your paths have been anything similar to mine...you've been piecing together really great methods/teachings or dedicated yourself to beliefs or modalities for a long while only to discover your life has sticky hurts or harms that won't go away no matter all you've tried, from all you've learned. And each layer, each spiral or wheel we turn, there's something right now that's emerging from hiding and needs alchemical care.

To sign up for all the good courses out there that catch your eye or light you up would take you another 20 years to get through them all and cost you in myriad ways: time, money, travel, study hours, relationships...

Me too.

For over 25 years I have wondered along the roads & rivers of relationships that have led me here. There is death, life, rupture and rebirth in these paths.

This Swan Song Immersion is not another method or system, it’s initiatory, immersive, experiential, co-regulation, collaboration, learning & honing what you already do, have and are, with our innate abiding wisdom, practices and ceremonial tending. There is no certification or curriculum materials per se - there are resources, google drive files to access(somatic meditations, reading lists, videos etc.), and evidentiary experiences.

Swans invite natural, authentic, kind, loving transformations. They skillfully move between realms, medial and liminal spaces while caring for the everyday.
Their beauty & dignity radiates; as does yours.

And so, here we are. Checking each other out. It's a bit mythic or bardic, woven and mysterious.
Please Join us to hear more specifics and ask questions, for the link & details: RSVP to Deirdre by email.

All Our Relations,
