whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways

Private Sessions


I honour your Innate Abiding Wisdom

In session I approach our time together with honesty, creativity, consent, and building a therapeutic alliance with one another.

Your first session includes stress de-fusion & somatic embodying practices that you can always employ in your day to day; something one of my teachers said that we all need to have “rolled up in our back pockets, even at the beach”.

There are several approaches on offer as inspired by Gabor Mate, Sharon Stanley, Pat Ogden, Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, CA Bickerstaff, Virginia Satir, Brene Brown, Byron Katie, To-ko Pa Turner, Stephen Jenkinson, John Wineland, Kim Anami, Rita Bozi, those seen and unseen/human & non-human Grandfathers & Grandmothers. I am also influenced and inspired through the lives and souls I’ve met during my 20+ years in the Death Trade/Private Hospice, Spiritual Care, Somatic Embodiment, ritual, ceremonial practices for families and individuals. I have spent long hours before during and after labour & delivery as well as tended to What Is, in NICU. I have experience with trauma and (C)PTS care personally and professionally and come with alternative approaches there as well, including Heart Medicine ways.

It is said that the body moves at a slower pace and can be the first to speak and the last to yell out to get our empathy & compassionate attention.

Coming into Presence with our Selves and tending the seemingly stuck parts along the way is part of what we do together. We may also engage in learning more from our Ancestors to assist with healing and coming into good relations with them as well. There is deep listening in this work. Sound, song, heart medicine and other ritual or ceremony may also be needed and we can discuss this if this seems to be the case. All done with relational collaboration, guidance, and respect.

You have all the instructions within you, already. In co-regulated relationship, this emerges.

Connect with me to initiate a first meet and sessions.

From Love Always & All Ways,