whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways

Blue Grandmother Medicine Weekend

Greetings to your Hearts, Hearths & Homes,

In this changing season, we are also changing, if indeed we allow it and become sensitive again to subtle shifts, the blossoming and harvesting of heart and earth, matters/maters.
There are old medicine ways that assist us in deepening our connections, learning the weave that grief, endings, beginnings, praise and Beauty making offer and ask of us.
For some time now I have been courting the question: What does stating "All Our Relations" ask of us? In these times, within our homes, family, friends, colleagues, place, seen and unseen relations...what might we remember now in the heat of the sun and the cracking of thunder? What are we invited into as the leaves fall from trees and the air grows cool and who might be remembering us in moments where we forget and feel a little ungrounded or lost, busy, nurturing others, or distracted...yet yearning for meaningful connections within and around us?

I invite you to join me for a sweet weekend of exploration, connection, wonder from a Somato-Spirit approach guided by some of the ‘teachings’/pilgrimages of what has come to be called the Blue Grandmothers.

These ways take many forms and I'd like to begin to share some with you. Many of you have been asking. I'm obeying(etymological sense) the nudges: yours and those from the unseen.

And if you were with us in November 2022 or April 2023, welcome back, Darling, welcome back! And if you are newly curious - welcome, welcome!

Saturday Nov 25 10:00am-4:00pm
Arrival 9:45 at Mt. Pleasant Studio, NW Calgary
Start 10am
drum, rattle, sound, song healing journey with rose spiral, golden grid influences & Grandmother Weaver (as you see in the image to the left)
Drum Journey (probably 2 during the day), Golden Earth learning and offerings, Somato-Spirit inspired practices
Reviewing of:
Helpers in Animal and Nature,
Guide & Earth lines Awareness,
Soul Song Embodiment,
Rose Spiral Path
Soup Lunch with Bread and tasty bits, provided
Feel free to bring snacks for yourself and to share
End by 4pm

Sunday Nov 26 10:00am-3:00pm+closing circle
Arrival 9:45 at Mt. Pleasant Studio
Start 10am
Integrating Relations & Healing
Review: Golden Earth learning and offerings; Somato-Spirit inspired practices, Deepening the parts of the practices or material that most interest/challenge you
Blue Grandmother Sessions; Ceremonial Approaches within & with others
Soup Lunch with Bread and tasty bits, provided
End 3:00/3:30pm

$560, cash preferred
sliding reciprocity available, please inquire

Preparation 4 days ahead of the gathering: kind eating, no recreational "overdoing it", inviting an intention/yielding/surrender/wonder for the learning gathering, consider what you sincerely desire from this gathering, making offerings in a meaningful place (song, story, creature-friendly food, flora, milk, tobacco, mugwort, your hair strands, tears...), the 4H's from Grandmother Evelyn {Humour, Honesty, Humility, Harmony}

Please confirm your intention & agreement to join us by Monday Nov 13, 2023.
A non-refundable deposit of $111, is appreciated by that time.
If for some reason, you are unable to attend Nov 25-26, 2023, your deposit can be transferred to other offerings in 2024 & would be held in trust for you.

If you have a Kinswoman whom you feel would be up for such an endeavor & weave easefully amongst us, please have her email me directly at: deirdre@whetstoneandwonder.com.

If you have questions or require further clarification, please email me.

I look forward to hearing from you, seeing you soon, in some way.
We would be so fortunate!
Until then,
✨Go Shining✨ as you already are.

From Love Always and All Ways
