whetstone: sharper senses ~ wonder: softer hearts ~ LOVE always & all ways

The Mundane Mystic

As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without

The Standing ones…the One-Leggeds whose toe-roots run utterly deep
Boughs reaching to Cosmos
Roots deepening into the Earth

Streams flowing, Rivers downstreaming our joys and pains
Clouds as ombre for bright suns & reflecting in the waters

On cheeks
Along Riverbeds

Stones…slow moving, structured & wild beauty

Holy Waters, Cloudy Skies…al the weathers
Above & Below
Within & Without

Kindness as Blessing

From John O’Donohue:

“Perhaps we bless one another all the time…
Perhaps this is also true of places. When you are in a certain place, great love of kindness happens; it imprints iteslef on the ether of the place. When we pass there, hungry and needy in spirit, that loving imprint shines on us like an icon. In folk culture one always knew where to go when sorrow darkened the heart. These places can also act like a poultice to take the poison out of the heart’s wounds. Rilke recommended that when life became turbulent and troublesome, it was wise to stay close to one simple thing in nature. A friend of mine who had great trouble with her mind told me once that she had brought a stone into her apartment, and when she felt her mind going, she would concentrate on the stone. She said, “There is a fierce sanity in stone.”” pgs 209-210, To Bless the Space Between Us

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